I have been intrigued by everyone's random things and found many of them to be like mine, so I tried to find some original ones (I know I'm too random).
Here goes:
1. I am a night person. Whenever I want to get things done, I start around 2 am and work, work, work until it's done. If I try to do it during the day, it doesn't get done.
2. I love French. I watch movies and TV shows in French whenever I have that option. I also love to listen to French music and sometimes translate songs and sing the lyrics in French. Also, I have a list of French knitting terms and sometimes I will read that for fun as well.
3. I hate heat. For a southern girl, that makes things tough. My pale skin and blonde hair is linked to my Norweigan heritage which prompts me to carry SPF 50 in my purse and offer it to friends whenever we go on an outdoor adventure.
4. I am a very idealogical person and believe that I will be able to do everything I want to in my life. Making my own beauty products, making my own clothes, baking bread, cooking with food from my garden, spinning my own yarn, having my own sheep, being completely sustainable while traveling EVERYWHERE as I begin school studying International Business, etc. You name it, I probably want to do it.
5. One of the most gratifying feelings to me is parking perfectly in a tight spot. Why? I don't know, but whenever I execute a perfect parking job I feel strangely proud of myself.
6. I have a fear of finishing knitting projects. Sewing seams, weaving in ends... it all scares me. I am a perfectionist and I always want my knitting to be perfect. The finishing/seaming of a knit reveals to me whether or not I'm happy with the project. Usually, there's something "glaring," but I suck it up and know that if it was perfect, I probably wouldn't be as happy with it.
7. I am an avid reader, or at least I used to be. Knitting has taken up a lot of my reading time and I have ADD, which makes it hard for me to concentrate on audiobooks. So, I now own more books that I have NOT read than I have. Luckily, I have learned how to knit and read, so this summer I hope to finish MANY of the books I own!!