It's been a while since I've written and for good reason...
I've had a pretty boring week, so I don't have a whole lot to comment about. I am continuing my work on the knitting Olympics, plus finishing my mom's "Christmas" gift and doing my dishcloth KAL. I didn't have school Friday and also have tomorrow off, so I am hoping to get beaucoup de knitting fini.
I have been continuing to read Woman on the Edge of Time and would readily recommend it to all who feel unsatisfied with the world we are living in. It really makes you think about how you are polluting the environment and understand what you can do to help the world. Every little bit helps.
In addition to reading and knitting, I purchased the BBC version of Pride and Prejudice with Colin Firth, who has to be the most amazing man alive. That movie is almost more addicting than knitting. *gasp*
Since I don't have much more to say, I will head on now and try to come up with a much more exciting life and report back as soon as possible.